Who is Lady D?

Hi! My name is Dawn; Lady D! I am a Special Education Teacher who moonlights as a makeup artist. I have always loved makeup, ever since sneaking to buy and wearing it in middle school and high school(I had very strict parents).I used to take my lunch money to the drug store or the beauty store to buy makeup. I was starving but I looked good. As I grew, so did my makeup passion…or addiction. There’s a very thin line! I also started getting more involved with skin care as I battled acne since my teens. I am not a esthetician and definitely not a dermatologist but in my research I’ve read about and used a lot of products, most didn’t work so well and some worked miracles.

I am working to become a professional makeup artist. I am working to perfect my craft daily by reading, going to events, and volunteering whenever I possibly can to gain knowledge and experience.  When I want something desperately enough I always work hard to get it and my heart is definitely in this business.

The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts and experience on the makeup and skin care products that are out there but mainly to share my work in makeup artistry and showing you things you things makeup related! This is my passion and even though it took me a long time to take that dive into makeup artistry, makeup has always been in my heart. This is a space for everyone to share and learn. Beauty is ever-changing so why not share and learn together?

Makeup is not a necessity, just an accessory. We don’t need it but it sure as hell looks good!


14 thoughts on “Who is Lady D?

  1. This is so exciting! It’s going to be the perfect blend of your writing skills and your beauty knowledge. I can’t wait to see how this all unfolds ~

  2. HI Dawn. Very nice blog! I wear make up everyday so I am sure I could learn new tips. Thanks and have a wonderful day. 🙂 Renee

    • Hi Renee! Thanks so much for following and I’m so glad you like my blog! We all can learn new tricks here and there. I am more than happy to answer your questions and take requests. Have a great week. Take care! 🙂

    • Thanks! I appreciate your comments! Be sure to let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see or know specifically. Thanks for following 🙂

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